
You're (Not) A Wizard - A Zine Quest Project

Created by David Esarey

A game of magical school and faking your way through.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Looking back on the past year...
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 09, 2023 at 10:11:55 AM

Hello everyone! 

As we step into the new year I've been reflecting on where I was this time twelve months ago. I was preparing to launch this campaign, hopeful but not certain how it would turn out. I am incredibly grateful for all of you, for the support and enthusiasm you have shown, and for how you allowed me to create something for you. I truly hope it is something meaningful and enjoyable for you and your table. And I hope to take all that I've learned and carry it with me into future projects. 

Wrapping up

At this point, everyone who filled out the backer survey should have received their game a while ago. All backers outside the United States received tracking numbers when things were sent out, which I hope were helpful in keeping tabs on what can (at times) be a frustratingly difficult process. 

If you have not received your game or if there were any issues with it please message me directly and I will work to make things right. And if you are one of a few backers who didn't fill out your survey reach out and I will be sure you get the game you backed.

Actual Play

If anyone wants to see an actual play of "You're (Not) A Wizard," Tales From the Forgotten Troupe will be streaming their play-through on their Twitch channel, beginning this Sunday 1/15/23 at 7:00pm EST. They posted a trailer for it this morning and seeing the character art for a game I made was truly surreal! 

What's Next?

Now that YNAW is complete, I have a list of projects on my docket. As is ever the case, there are more things I'm excited to do than there is time, so we'll see how many things I can get through in 2023! But here is a sneak peak of what's next:

"On Death and Memory": I received a grant from Possum Creek Games to write and produce third-party content from the world of Wanderhome. (For anyone unfamiliar, Wanderhome is an absolutely incredible game that won a host of awards and has completely transformed how I think about RPGs. If you haven't looked into it, please do yourself a favor and do so!) For this project I am examining how death and loss are observed and those we have lost are remembered in the world of Haeth. It includes a new playbook, six new ceremonies, and original artwork by Letty Wilson (who created all of the playbook art for the original game). It's going to be contemplative, melancholic, and beautiful. I am so thankful for this opportunity and so happy with how it is coming together (the artwork is complete and the writing is almost finished).

Print Copies are Here!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 03, 2022 at 03:07:39 PM

Hello everyone! I am excited to announce that the print copies have arrived! Looking through it I am thrilled with how they've turned out and can't wait for you to get your hands on them!

So, I am preparing to lock addresses on all of the orders. I'm preparing to lock them, so you should receive an email from BackerKit with a 48 hour notification, after which they will lock automatically. Then I'll get the first batch out to the post office within a day or two after that. I already have the first couple hundred copies packaged up and ready for me to affix labels. So I should be able to get things out quickly once addresses are locked. 

On a slightly different note, if you know anyone who is interested in the game but didn't have a chance to back, it's currently available in both print and digital on my page at

Obviously I am prioritizing fulfillment to you all first, but wanted to go ahead and get that up and running. 

Thanks everyone!


Digital Download Keys and Print Copies
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 06:14:13 PM

Hello everyone! I wanted to drop in and give you an update on where everything stands.

I have sent out the download keys on If you haven't received the email, please check your spam folder, then let me know and I can make sure you get everything. ( shows me that a small number of emails weren't able to be delivered, but I can't see which ones.) I'm going to message everyone who is expecting multiple digital copies and get you the additional download keys. 

For the print copies, the printer was taking longer than expected due to the ongoing paper shortage. Previously I would've been able to upload the files, sign-off on the proofs, and get the order going. Now, however, it took them a few weeks to confirm what the price was going to be and ensure that they actually had the paper. That said, they've been extremely attentive and have worked hard to honor their original quote, which they were able to do (for a while the price was looking to be roughly double what I was expecting).

I finally got the green light in the past few days and now the print copies are underway. I'll let you know as soon as I have them in hand, which should be within the next couple weeks. I'm planning to get the orders turned around and shipped out as quickly as possible once they arrive. 

Thanks you all! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Getting You Your Games!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 08:05:16 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Ready, Set, ...Wait?
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 08, 2022 at 08:25:56 PM

Hello again! 

So, as I'm sure many of you have noticed, you have not received your download keys from itch yet. I had set everything up on the itch page, uploaded the email list, and had everything set. Then I posted the update to let you know it was coming and hit 'send' over on itch. 

That's when I got the notification that because I was emailing so many people they needed to review my account and give me approval to make sure I wasn't using their platform to spam a bunch of people. I had hoped for a faster turnaround, but since it's been a couple days I wanted to reach out and let you all know what is happening. 

As soon as I hear from itch I'll post again and let you know! And if it's not soon I'll post a link to a google drive folder with the files as an interim solution to make sure you all get everything!

Thanks again and sorry for the confusion!